6 Week Online Course

August 2024

In Ayurvedic wisdom ‘ahar’ or diet is one of the three aspects of our life that is considered the stable foundation for good health. How we eat and digest has one of the most direct impacts on our health and vitality. When we are eating in a way that is sattvic and aligned with nature, food is our greatest medicine.

 When we aren’t eating in a way that is aligned with nature and our own constitution, it can affect all areas of our life including our sleep, energy, skin, emotions, and relationships. When we are experiencing signs of imbalance our diet or particularly our digestion is one of the first places we look.

 The Ayurvedic approach to eating can feel very different to what many of us may have grown up with or been taught in modern diet culture. Ayurveda holds a whole philosophy on nourishment, digestion and reclaiming the sacred ritual of eating.

Join Emily for this immersive 6 week course that will guide you through the foundations of Ayurvedic nutrition to begin your health and healing journey. This course goes far beyond using spices or cooking with ghee and truely teaches you what it means to eat, cook and live ‘Ayurvedic’

Course Content:

Week 1: Foundations of Ayurveda

~ Discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and how to apply this knowledge to your daily life.

~ Learn fundamental Ayurvedic knowledge such as the 5 elements, 3 Doshas, Gurvadi Gunas & more.

~ Understand the concept of balance as the foundation for health

~ Start creating changes in your daily routines, lifestyle and diet to support your health.

Weekly Practice: Dinacharya Workshop

Week 2: The Role of Ahar & Agni

~ Learn about the 4 pillars of health and the importance of ‘ahar’ or diet.

~ Dive deep into the concept of ‘Agni’ or digestive fire and how our digestion is at the foundation of health.

~ Understand the four types of Agni and how to know when your Agni is out of balance.

~ Learn Ayurvedic principles to support your Agni and heal your digestion.

Weekly Practice: Kitchari Cooking Class

Week 3: Eating in Alignment With Nature

~ Learn how to eat in alignment with nature and your unique constitution.

~ Discover the concept of the ‘shad rasa’ or six tastes

~ Seasonal Eating Practices & Eating for your Dosha

Weekly Practice: Spring Cooking Class

Week 4: Creating A Sattvic Kitchen

~ Explore the maha gunas ~ sattva, rajas & tamas and how they apply to our food.

~ Start bringing Ayurveda into your kitchen and what it truely means to cook ‘Ayurvedic’

~ Learn a new perspective on cooking and preparing food to understand it’s not just about what we cook but how we cook.

~ Learn how to make staple Ayurvedic recipes such as ghee, chapati, dals, chutneys and more.

~ Bring sacredness back into your kitchen.

Weekly Practice: Ghee Making Workshop

Week 5: Making A Balanced Meal

~ Learn how to prepare beautiful, nourishing meals with Ayurvedic principles

~ Understand important food combining principles and how to create a supportive meal for your digestion.

~ Discover augmenting and extractive food theory and how to create a ‘balance bowl’

Weekly Practice: Chapati Making Workshop

Week 6: Food as Medicine + Group Cleanse

~ Understand how to use food as medicine to support your health & vitality

~ Learn how to reduce ‘ama’ or toxins in the body and be introduced to Ayurvedic cleansing

~ Discover the importance of ‘Ojas’ and how to build strong Ojas through our food.

~ Learn natural healing recipes and how to use food, spices and herbs to support imbalances.

Weekly Practice: Seasonal Cleansing

What’s included in the course:

~ 6 live wisdom sessions and 6 pre recorded workshops with lifetime access to the recordings.

~ A comprehensive course manual with wisdom, guides and recipes to inspire you far beyond our time together.

~ Be guided through an Ayurvedic cleanse and receive Emily’s Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleanse program.

~ Join our community platform where you can connect with your course members, ask questions and feel inspired.

~ Have on-going email support from Emily throughout the course.

Course Schedule:

This course is held live for 6 weeks from 7th August - 11th September. Weekly wisdom sessions are held on Wednesdays from 6.30-8pm AEST. Weekly workshops are pre-recorded and released each Sunday.

To keep with the flow of the program, it’s helpful to join live however, all sessions will be recorded and you can move at your own pace.


$350 Full Payment

Early Bird Pricing: $300 when booked before July 31st.

Payment plans are available on request

“Ayurveda can often come across as dogmatic in it’s do’s and don’ts but Emily made it all so accessible. Lots of practical and insightful information plus simple recipes that allow you to choose your own journey at your own pace. The part I loved the most was Emily’s constant reminder to be curious in exploring foods and how they effect your body and mind, without judgement. I’ll be listening to the recordings more than once because there was so much gold in there.”
— Tracey, Western Australia

“This course is well and truely a worthwhile investment that I would recommend to anyone that is looking for clarification around Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking, that is delivered in a way that is easy to understand.

I loved the way Emily delivered this course, from opening each session with a meditation as well, as sharing her own experiences and teaching us to be curious about food.

Being a busy, single parent who works full time i also really appreciated the flexibility of this course so that I could complete the modules as suited me.

This course has definitely changed the way i look at, cook and even take the time to eat and appreciate my meals. “
— Kirsty, Queensland
I took Emily’s Foundations of Ayurvedic Nutrition Course in January this year. This course has completely changed the way i look at food and helped me to revaluate my health.

Emily is a wonderful teacher and incredibly knowledgable in Ayurveda. She shares a wealth of knowledge from her own personal experiences and practices.

Since taking the course I have been cooking according to Ayurvedic principles and am feeling incredible! I’ve been cooking more fresh meals, eating according to the doshic clock and have finally let go of my caffeine habit.

I couldn’t recommend this course highly enough!
— Jayne, United Kingdom
Thank you so much for this beautiful information which has already had a huge impact in my understanding of health for myself and the ones I love

I have been hugely intrigued in the study of Ayurveda for a while now and this course has covered all of what I felt like I needed to hear and learn to start to form my understanding of this practice and continue to study this way of life!

Mind blown at this practice and how deeply rooted it is and how it can make SO much complete simple natural sense for us as humans

But thank you for making it as clear and accessible as you have, you have a lovely way of explaining and sharing and I’m sure the others involved in this course feel the same.
— Miah, Australia