Spring Revitalise Cleanse

A 3 Day Digestive Reset For Body & Mind

Group Journey ~ October 11th - 13th

The practice of cleansing is considered a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. Creating space for regular cleanses are a way to balance our digestive system, release any excess ‘ama’ or toxins from the body, balance our energy and reinvigorate our overall wellbeing. Seasonal transitions are considered a particularly valuable time to cleanse as a way to clear out any excess from the season, prevent imbalances that can occur through seasonal changes and allow us to invite in the new season feeling fresh and vibrant.

Our Spring cleanse aims to balance kapha dosha and release any excess heavy, stagnant and cold energy accumulated over the winter season. If you are experiencing digestive issues, feel sluggish or heavy, have poor immunity or are feeling low and unmotivated – these are all signs of excess kapha dosha. Our Spring cleanse will aim to re-invigorate your digestive system, boost your immunity, renew your energy and give you fresh inspiration for the season ahead.

What is an Ayurvedic Cleanse?

An Ayurvedic cleanse aims to balance our ‘agni’ or digestive fire. Ayurveda believes that a balanced digestion is the foundation of our health and what allows our entire body to function properly. If we are experiencing digestive issues, inflammation or skin irritations, feel sluggish or heavy, have low immunity or are feeling low or anxious – these can all be signs that our agni may need support. A simple way to improve our agni is by fasting or eating lightly for a short amount of time. An Ayurvedic cleanse will focus on balancing your agni by providing you with a healing Ayurvedic diet, with our central meal being ‘kitchari’ that is intended to rest your digestive system.

Benefits of cleansing:

  • Rebalance & strengthen your ‘agni’ or digestive fire

  • Clear out any excess ‘ama’ or toxins accumulated in the body

  • Improve metabolism & elimination

  • Boost immunity and strengthen ‘ojas’

  • Balance your energy and release excess stress or fatigue

  • Find greater mental clarity & regulate your emotions

  • Reconsider your relationship to food & your daily habits

  • Find a greater sense of peace & spiritual connection

  • Reinvigorate your whole body, mind & spirit!

The Program:

Our Spring Renewal Cleanse will be a group journey over 3 days that will focus on balancing your agni by providing you with a healing Ayurvedic diet that is intended to rest your digestive system. You will also learn the foundations of an Ayurvedic lifestyle by incorporating daily wellness rituals, body care routines and yogic practices.

This cleanse is intended to be gentle, nourishing, and flexible within your daily life. Our group journey will be over 3 days however, you can continue the program and complete 5, 7 or 10 days as suits you. You will have different meal options to suit your taste and can incorporate just a simple & short daily wellness routine with the time you have available.

I will guide you through the foundations of creating an Ayurvedic lifestyle that will support your body, mind and spirit for far beyond our time together.

Program Dates & Commitment:

Our Spring group cleanse will take place over the weekend of the Spring Equinox from Friday 11th - Sunday 13th October. We will have a live orientation call on Thursday 19th September that will guide you through the practice of Ayurvedic cleansing and start your journey.

You will also receive Spring yoga practice and Dinacharya workshop with Emily (pre-recorded) for you to practice guide you over the program. We will also hold a private Whats-app group to stay connected and inspire each other throughout the cleanse.

Whilst this cleanse is offered as a group journey, you are also welcome to move through the cleanse at your own pace. All content is recorded and available for you forever.

Investment & Inclusions:

The Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse Program is valued at $55 and includes. . .

  • Ayurvedic seasonal cleanse e-book that takes you step by step through your at home cleanse program offering recipes, dinacharya and information for pre & post cleanse.

  • Live orientation call & guide to Ayurvedic cleansing with Emily to start your journey (Thursday 10th October 6.30pm AEST Sydney timezone)

  • Spring yoga practice with Emily that will guide you through dynamic asana, pranayama and meditation to balance kapha dosha (pre-recorded)

  • Dinacharya workshop that shares with you how to create an Ayurvedic daily routine with wellness practices & rituals (pre-recorded)

  • Whats-App Group Chat with daily updates and inspiration from Emily and your other cleanse participants

  • Support and guidance throughout your cleanse with Emily via email


What others are saying. . .

I absolutely loved doing the Autumn Cleanse under the guidance of Emily. It was my first time doing an Ayurvedic cleanse and I was pleasantly surprised by how incredible I felt during and after the cleanse. What I loved the most about the cleanse is that I felt nourished throughout it, thanks to the absolutely delicious recipes. I also loved Emily's suggestions to include daily self-nourishing rituals like Abhyanga, which felt so soothing and grounding for my nervous system.Emily went over and beyond in supporting me with her helpful insights when I had questions. I also loved being part of the wider group of people who were also doing the cleanse, so we could support each other! Thank you again so much Emily. I am truly so thankful for this journey with you and am so inspired to keep going with a mindful Ayurvedic way of eating and being.

Camille, Sydney

Thank you so much to Emily who led the group cleanse in such a gentle and supportive way. I definitely felt the effects of more energy, better digestion, and better mood too during the cleanse. Emily was a kind and generous facilitator and gave so many handy recipe tips along the way! The group who came together supported each other and it was such a lovely thing to be a part of. Recommend 100%! Thank you Emily!

Katherine, Melbourne

This was my first experience with Ayurveda and your ability to nurture and educate us all about the lifestyle, food and overall well-being that comes from small yet impactful changes was probably the largest takeaway I received throughout this program. Having lived the majority of my life with the belief that I have no time to cook each and every meal or no time to spend that extra 10 minutes to myself in the morning, this program allowed me to reflect, slow down, allow time and really focus on each movement I made with intent and love.

Being someone that has a somewhat chronic illness that leaves me feeling a bit foggy most of the time, this cleanse and the lifestyle suggestions incorporated were incredibly helpful and I felt I had the most energy that I have had in a while - which was amazing! Having a circle of women to interact and engage with the journey created a beautiful and safe space to further explore this medicine. Your constant support in that group as well as personally was so greatly appreciated. Thank you again for a beautiful few days of nourishment. You are incredible at what you do and the love you infuse into your passion and us all was so beautifully received.

Loridana, Melbourne