Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop: Byron Bay
10:00 AM10:00

Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop: Byron Bay

Join me on Sunday September 8th for this interactive workshop that will guide you through the foundations of Ayurvedic nutrition & cooking and teach you how to create balanced meals with Ayurvedic principles.

This intimate experience will invite you into my sattvic home to learn the art of Ayurvedic cooking, share a nourishing meal and connect with community.

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Ojas: Revitalise Your Radiance (Online Workshop)
6:30 PM18:30

Ojas: Revitalise Your Radiance (Online Workshop)

Do you feel like you are lacking lustre in your life? Are you feeling depleted, dry and like you are constantly fighting off illness? Ayurveda teaches us that it’s all about ojas.

Ojas is the subtle essence of kapha dosha and is what creates, builds, and sustains our overall health. Ojas is a direct result of our ability to digest food and when our agni is strong, all that we consume turns into greater ojas.

When we have an abundance of ojas, we have strong immunity, stable energy, a healthy reproductive system, glow to our skin and lustre to our hair. We also hold mental clarity and radiate a sense of joy & bliss.

In our modern lifestyles that value productivity over rest, many of us can take a ‘push through’ approach to our health which in turn, depletes our ojas.

If you find you are getting sick often, have low energy & endurance, are experiencing hormonal imbalances and generally lacking your lustre in life ~ these are all signs that you need to strengthen your ojas.

Ayurveda teaches that our immunity is so much more than simply staying well but, about building a strong reserve of ojas so that we can live a vital, radiant, and blissful life.

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Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop: Byron Bay
10:00 AM10:00

Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop: Byron Bay

Join me on Sunday 16th June for this interactive workshop that will guide you through the foundations of Ayurvedic nutrition & cooking and teach you how to create balanced meals with Ayurvedic principles.

This intimate experience will invite you into my sattvic home to learn the art of Ayurvedic cooking, share a nourishing meal and connect with community.

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Agni: Kindle Your Digestive Fire (Online Workshop)
6:30 PM18:30

Agni: Kindle Your Digestive Fire (Online Workshop)

Ayurveda believes that a balanced digestion is the foundation for a healthy life and how we eat, and digest has one of the most direct impacts on our wellbeing and vitality.

In Ayurveda we work with the concept of ‘agni’ which is our digestive fire. Our agni is the energy available to us to digest not only our food and all aspects of life. When agni is strong we can transform and metabolise the things we consume for greater health and consciousness. When our agni is weak what we consume turns into ama or toxins which can lead us to greater disease and disharmony

In this online workshop, Emily will guide you through the foundations of Ayurveda and teach you how to balance your digestion for greater health.

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